We promise to deliver quality, natural wellness products that stand as the foundation for your self-care routine. As women, we juggle so much in our lives and despite that, we push past our fear, stress, and fatigue and do what needs to be done. So, Scented Sistas is dedicated to being your daily moment of solace that you can rely on to help you push forward. Our goal is to build a lasting community for womens' wellness that speaks to the significance of showing yourself love and reclaiming your time, even if it's just 20 minutes in the shower.


Scented Sistas was founded in 2020 by New York native Arianna Ingram. While already struggling to maintain her graduate coursework, interning, and her job as a barista, the COVID -19 pandemic brought on an added layer of stress to which she turned to her daily showers, as a source of comfort. She founded Scented Sistas to be a wellness brand that sought to simplify self-care into small moments that we can incorporate into our pre-existing routines.

As a student and educator of the mental health field, she understands the importance of refilling one's own cup so that one can pour into others. Through simple and routine wellness practices, she hopes to refill the cups of the women who need it most and teach them how to refill their own.


Scented Sistas was created for those who show strength so effortlessly that their pain, fatigue, and anxieties are often overlooked. Your time is valuable, your body is valuable and your peace of mind is cherished. It is our daily reminder that you are here, you deserve comfort, rest, and relaxation. So, reclaim your time, even if it's just 20 minutes in the shower, a 5 minute foot rub or a much needed bubble bath.